Athletic Clearance
2.0 or better GPA - (During last grading period)
Sports physical - (Physicals are good for one year of physician signature)
Good sportsmanship
Good work ethic
The following information may answer questions you have regarding the Athletic Programs at Cabrillo High School:
All participants are student/athletes. This means they must maintain a 2.0 GPA or better for each grading period to be eligible during the next grading period. If the student’s average falls below a 2.0 for a grading period they may request a waiver. A waiver can only be used for two grading periods during a student’s high school career, only once in the freshman year and never in two consecutive grading periods. Some varsity coaches will not accept a waiver. Therefore, you are advised to check with your coach before you start the process. Currently, there are twenty-four grading periods during a student’s high school career in the Lompoc unified School District.
Student/athletes must have a current (yearly) physical on file in the Athletic Office to be eligible to participate. District Forms should be used and are available in the Athletic Office or on the Cabrillo Athletics website.
Student/athletes are required to abide by all CIF, school, department and team policies and regulations.